The Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association has nominated attorney Leanne Prendergast as one of the Women’s Center’s 2016 “Unsung She-roes and He-roes.”
The Women Center recognizes individuals who work tirelessly to improve the lives of women. Honorees are nominated by local community organizations.
Prendergast will be one of ten nominees who will be recognized as an “Unsung Sheores and Heroes” at the 6th Annual Speaker Event Women, Words & Wisdom to be held on May 17.
The Women’s Center of Jacksonville is a community based, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women through advocacy, support and education.
Prendergast is a shareholder and practices commercial and insolvency litigation in both state and federal courts. She is a member of The Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) and the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists. She is Secretary to the board of IWIRC-Florida.
More information on the Women’s Center of Jacksonville can be found at
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