Attorneys R. Christopher Dix and Leanne Prendergast shared their knowledge and insight regarding e-discovery for a recent article in the Jacksonville Business Journal.
The article outlines information about e-discovery, the term given to the gathering of electronic records and data for production in a lawsuit or investigation. It’s an area within the field of litigation that has grown over the past decade or so, and is expected to become even more front and center in the near future.
Earlier this year, Prendergast officially achieved designation by the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists by passing a certification exam and meeting other specialization qualification standards. She and a colleague, Chris Dix, are the only attorneys at the firm to hold such a designation.
Dix is the president of a newly launched chapter of ACEDS in Jacksonville, and part of the group’s mission is to keep other professionals abreast of advancements in technology and trends in the still-evolving field of e-discovery.
As a commercial litigator, Dix finds himself in the position of educating companies about electronic record-keeping and preservation.
Dix said while the cost of collecting and processing this digital evidence — which law firms often complete with the help of an outside IT vendor — can be tremendous for businesses, which is why he suggests companies come up with policies for storage of such records.
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